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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

=Acts 22=

Saul is struck to the ground by a blinding light & finds himself changed more radically than he'd first feared.  He calls himself "Paul" & declares himself celibate but the truth of what has happened will take a long time for "him" to accept. They say that God doesn't make mistakes and it's true. God, being the indisputable fact of "what is," does not make mistakes. But biology does, DNA does. Society & science make mistakes. Nature goes wrong. Religion, too. Flesh makes mistakes; often flesh and material things are the grossest and most visible form of mistakes compounded over time by all of the above. But God, while immeasurably distanced from all of the above, is always present inside us as the immediate awareness of "what is." That "what is" cancels out all of the error wrought by mankind & nature. Our consciousness of ourselves is the indisputable truth that transcends this world and all its temporal errors.

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