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Thursday, May 21, 2015

=Some Things Happen=

Some things happen. Some things. What happens. Some things.
What happened? Some things. Things happen. What happened. What things.
                        Some things that happened. Some things happened that happened. They happened.
            Some things.
There happened things that happened. They could not un-happen. Something things happened that we saw happen.
Or heard happen.              We heard about happen.
We didn’t want them to happen. Or did. They happened.
These were things. Things that happened.
Happening.             Some of those things. Happening
                                                                              still. We experienced them happening. They happened. Things. Some. They happen.
Once things happened. They happened
and we experienced them happening
and hadn’t wanted them to happen.  Or, sometimes, did.
                                                                   Why would they happen? Things
                They are still happening.
We did or did not accept things that happened. No difference did it make. Things happened with or without approval. They happened. Just like that. Things happened. Some of them, anyway. What were the things that didn’t happen?

Our minds are blank. Blank in the face of them—the things that happened.
                                          Some things we remember. Others we try to forget.            
The things that happened. We witnessed. Some happenings. What were they? The things that happened?  They happened without our willing or even wanting in most cases.  Them to happen. Sometimes,
                             we thought
if only things could stop happening,
not happen. Sometimes. There was no chance to prepare. One moment nothing. The next—things happening.  Some things, though, happened out of sight. These are the things that happened that we didn’t know had happened while they were happening.
Or that we never knew happened
and still don’t know happened
though we live with their consequences.  The evidence of their
                                                                                     happening in plain sight
all around. Things that happened that might even be killing us,

                                                                           or having killed us, you would have thought we would have seen happen. You would only think that would be fair.

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